목록영어회화 (10)
살아있는 영어 최단기 마스터
1. Jane: Michelle went on a blind date yesterday, and her date totally fell for her. Soomi: Michelle? The macho girl Michelle? Jane: Yeah, the mannish Michelle. You know what though, she's good at pretending. Soomi: I don't know how guys fall for that. Jane: Exactly. But I'm sure sooner or later he's gonna find out the real Michelle. 제인: 미셸이 어제 소개팅을 했는데, 상대방이 걔한테 푹 빠졌다니 뭐야. 수미: 미셸? 그 선머슴아 미셸이? 제..
1. Mike: So, what do you think of Ted? Soomi: Well, he seems nice, but he's not my type. Mike: Why not? Soomi: He's sort of uh... too talkative, I think. And also he doesn't look like he's interested in me at all. Mike: Are you kidding? That man is madly in love with you. All he ever talks about is you ever since the day he laid his eyes on you. 마이크: 테드 어때? 수미: 글쎄, 착해 보이긴 하는데, 내 취향은 아냐. 마이크: 왜? ..
1. Soomi: So, you're gonna set me up with someone? Jane: Yes, you know, this guy who's in my Physics class is like, so cool. Soomi: Is he really cool? And good-looking? Jane: Yes, believe me, he is all that. You won't be disappointed. Soomi: Cool and handsome. Hmm, he's not gay by any chance, is he? Jane: No, absolutely not 수미: 소개팅을 시켜 준다고? 제인: 그래, 물리 수업 같이 듣는 앤데, 진짜 멋져. 수미: 진짜 멋져? 얼굴도 잘생겼어? 제인:..
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